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Scientific Working Group

Scientific Working Group

The Scientific Working Group (SWG) is a crucial component within the EBPMN association, serving as a strategic advisory body with a specific mission and focus. Its primary purpose is to provide guidance, expertise, and support in various critical areas related to the association’s activities. It is a cadre of seasoned experts dedicated to advancing the association’s mission. As a strategic advisory group, they provide critical guidance, recommendations, and strategic direction based on their profound knowledge in relevant fields. Their multifaceted support encompasses the development of programs and projects, with a specific focus on webinars, wherein they contribute to topic and speaker selection, and content design. Additionally, the SWG is instrumental in defining the scope of various initiatives and creating content with a global perspective, amplifying the EBPMN association’s impact on a worldwide scale. The dynamic group headed by Dr. Ebrahim Mohamed comprises of dedicated representatives of all member organizations, each bringing unique expertise and a passion for advancing our field.

Dr. Ebrahim Mohamed, Biovac Institute, South Africa

Head of the Scientific Working Group (SWG) at EBPMN

Dr. Mohamed is a synthetic organic chemist by training with 15 years’ experience in pharmaceuticals, with expertise covering business development, product development, technology transfers, process optimizations, and cGMP. After completing his PhD from the University of Cape Town in 2009, he joined the science and innovation department at the Biovac Institute (Biovac), where he established his expertise in the development of glycoconjugate vaccines. As group leader, he currently manages all the chemistry and manufacturing and controls (CMC)-related activities with the science and innovation department. He has accumulated experience in both inward and outward-bound technology transfers of clinical vaccine candidates and commercial products. His responsibilities have expanded further to include support for manufacturing operations at Biovac. In 2015, Dr. Mohamed became a key member of the secretariat team of the African vaccine manufacturing initiative (AVMI), where he played a pivotal role in assisting with the coordination of the AVMI vaccine manufacturing and procurement in Africa (VMPA) study. He was elected as a member of the board, representing the Southern African Region, in 2016. He has several publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals.

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